How Are Dental Veneers Applied? Answering Common FAQs About Veneers

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Dental veneers from New Horizon Institute are a fantastic way to transform your teeth in Gilbert. With a set of veneers, you can cover up almost any cosmetic issue with your smile, including stains, gaps between teeth, misshapen teeth, and much more.

Before you get treatment, though, you may have some questions about the process. You can contact us for a consultation and ask one of our dentists, of course, but we’ve also put together answers to a few common FAQs about dental veneers and the application process below.

What Is The Dental Veneer Application Process?

It usually takes two appointments to get veneers at New Horizon Institute. At your first appointment, your dentist will clean and numb your teeth. Then, they will trim away some enamel. This is done to make sure your veneers fit properly. Once your teeth have been trimmed, your dentist will take impressions and images of your smile. You’ll be sent home with a set of temporary veneers to cover up your teeth.

Next, your dentist will work with a dental lab to build your permanent veneers. It takes about 2-3 weeks for your veneers to be built and sent to our office in Gilbert. You’ll come in for a follow-up and your dentist will remove your temporaries. Then, they will check the fit of your permanent veneers and permanently attach them to your teeth. After one last polishing, you’ll be sent home to enjoy your new smile.

How Do Dental Veneers Affect My Oral Health?

Once your dental veneers are in place, your oral health will not be affected at all. Veneers are made from durable porcelain materials. This means that your new teeth will be just as strong as they were before treatment, if not stronger. However, it’s true that veneers do require some natural enamel to be removed from your teeth. 

This process is not reversible, so you will need to keep veneers for the rest of your life. If your veneers were to be removed in the future, your teeth would be weaker. If you don’t like the idea of permanently removing some enamel, alternative treatments like dental bonding may be a better option.

What Is The Difference Between Dental Crowns And Veneers?

Dental crowns and veneers seem similar, but they're quite different. The biggest difference is that veneers are only meant to cover up the front of your tooth, while crowns cover up the entire tooth structure all the way down to your gum line. This means crowns provide superior protection, and are a bit stronger and more durable, too.

Crowns are ideal for protecting teeth after they’ve been damaged by a cavity or dental trauma. However, they do require the removal of more enamel than veneers. This is why crowns are usually not used for cosmetic purposes. If your tooth is healthy, a veneer will usually be the best way to cover it up and fix cosmetic issues. On the other hand, crowns are better if your tooth is not healthy and it needs to be restored.

Have More Questions? Come To New Horizon Institute For Answers!

At New Horizon Institute, we believe in the life-changing benefits of cosmetic dentistry in Gilbert. A new smile can make you feel more confident, secure, and proud of your appearance. To learn more about dental veneers and your other options for a brighter smile in Gilbert, you can contact our team online or give us a call at (480) 664-2270 to schedule a consultation with our team. We’re always accepting new patients in Gilbert and the greater Phoenix area.

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